Tattili [Tactile paving]

Tattili [Tactile paving]
Tactile paving is a tool to guarantee the autonomous mobility of people with visual impairments in open spaces as well as inside public buildings or, in any case, open to the public pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 503 of 24 July 1996. Tactile paving solutions comply with the Italian LOGES system (Linea di Orientamento, Guida E Sicurezza – line of orientation, guidance and safety), which is a special and coded language. To make the detection of tactile paving surfaces as easy as possible, the paving elements are pieces of big dimensions to reduce the numbers of joints. With only two modular dimensions and eight different coded surfaces, it is possible to compose all the codes of the LOGES system and, therefore, create complete, detailed and perfectly recognizable routes for users.
![Tattili [Tactile paving] - Yellow](https://www.michelettopavimenti.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/giallo-tattilo-555x555-c-default.jpg)
![Tattili [Tactile paving] - Grey](https://www.michelettopavimenti.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/grigio-tattilo-555x555-c-default.jpg)